Saturday, February 13, 2016


infatuation [noun]: an intense but short-lived admiration for someone

I dream of you more times than I'm willing to admit --
as if dreaming you will somehow breathe you into existence.

Like, if I I imagine your face enough times it will carve itself out of time and space
And if I stare into your eyes long enough I can send you a little piece of my soul
     willing your heart to contract and pulse its first beat
     or your brown eyes to blink - even just once.
And maybe, just maybe,  if I keeping looking at you just a little bit longer
your lips will curve upward and you will smile at me.

Because I know you better than you know yourself.

You're a man after God's own heart so I've named you David;
and like Joseph you love selflessly; recognizing that trust covers a multitude of doubt.
Your strength is reflective of Moses - not in might but in your ability to lead under difficult circumstances.
And like Job, you are resilient - never wavering.
You stand up for what you believe in, like Daniel, and never let the pressures of this World dictate your praise.
But its your zeal to share the love of Christ with all you come in contact with that truly stands out about you;
Like Paul, you go wheresoever God leads you.
Humble beyond compare --
You are a comforter, a supporter 
and your ears never grow weary nor your shoulders ever slump.

Like Delilah to Sampson you are my weakness personified...
     which is why I can never allow you leave the confines of my mind.

I dream of you more times than I'm willing to admit --
because my heart knows that in reality you already exist

... if only I was brave enough to admit it.

Nekisha CD Lewis

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Loved A Love

I loved a love
who loved me not;
One not to love
I loved.
I painted his days
in the colors of love,
And  his nights
the color of lust.
With love’s love
I loved him;
With love's heart
I held him;
With love's body
I begged him.
I loved a love
who loved my love,
But I wasn’t the love
He loved.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Okoroh (Unleash)

I see flashes;
flashes of metal.



I see flashes of me.

Nekisha CD Lewis

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beautiful, you are my World

I can’t promise you the World;
but I can promise to embed your heart
 into my soul
for, beautiful, 
you are my World.
I take comfort in rising 
tangled in a web of 
your arms, legs and quiet breathing;
body nestled comfortably within your frame.

You are my daily dose of vitamins;
my very own happy pills.
High on the taste of happiness 
derived from the sweetness of your kiss.
You are the jolt of energy needed to start my day;
my purpose to live each day with enthusiasm
knowing that the way my day started 
will be the way my night ends -
lovingly tangled within 
your arms, legs and (not so) quiet breathing.

You have becoming the reason I smile 
for no reason other than being truly content.
Your kind ways and gentle nature
captivates my thoughts daily.
Your voice, like balm, 
soothes my spirit
and my World literally falls into place 
when I’m with you.

The one thing I can promise you 
without fault,
is to love you 
- fiercely and selfishly;
I will love you the way every good man 
deserves to be loved 
- with every bit of me.
Never will you feel lacking 
– lovingly or otherwise.
I promise to never take you 
nor your affections for granted
neither to ever let the magic 
between us wane.

Because, beautiful, 
you are my World.

Nekisha CD Lewis

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I Love Him.

I love him.

Even when my heart
shed tears of loneliness
and my soul lull in ruin
as it lay dormant in isolation
filled to overflowing
with the scent of emptiness;
which stinks.

I love him.

Even as my body recoils into its self
from lack of physical contact
with that which it desires most
- him.
And my mind quiver with memories
entwined with wishes, wants, wills -
- (inaudibly)
- (possessively)
- (unsuccessfully)
for my being to accept
the situation to which I contently concede.

Because I love him.

So I wait (im)patiently for him.

Nekisha CD Lewis

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I Wrote Him a Love Letter

With blue ink to white paper
I wrote him a love letter.

not computerized generic letters.
Pouring the essence of me into it
with the stroke of every letter
and the curve of every word.
Every line carried tenderness
every sentence echoed love.

With blue ink to white paper
I wrote him a love letter.

I wrote about the evening we met
and about the moment I knew my heart was his.
I wrote about the many good memories I had
that would never have cemented a place in my heart
had it not been for him.
I wrote of the moments he wiped my tears;
even those sometimes caused by him.
I wrote of the moments I held him while he wept, silently;
silent tears sometimes inflicted by me.
I included the memory of the first time we held hands 
– publicly
The first time our lips met 
– sweetly
The first time he touched me 
– awkwardly
The first time he loved me 
– tenderly.
I included the memorable moments we laughed
and those quiet moments where nothing was said
yet everything was heard.

With blue ink to white paper
I wrote him a love letter.

I wrote him a love letter because
I couldn’t bring myself to utter the words
I so tenderly wrote

  - Its over -

Nekisha CD Lewis

Friday, May 18, 2012

i need you

i need you

i need you in a way that defies comprehension

my heart beats to the rhythm of restlessness
when we are apart 
my soul craves your embrace;
to rest in the comfortable presence of your being
to touch and be touched
and to feel complete 

the pieces of my world falls into place
when I’m with you
like cracker to jack you are my caramel sweet 

i need you 

not because I can’t live without you;
i can
but that would just be me – existing
and I rather share one breath with you  – living 

i need you 

not because i can’t live without you
but because it brings me pleasure not to

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Ravish me. 

Bottom to top then back again

with pauses only in places

that necessitate special attention.

Slip me out of my inhibitions


and lay my insecurities bare

to your gaze

and love me. 

Disrobe the layers of my intellect


and wrap your heart

around my thoughts

and love me. 

Unbutton the faucets of my being


and allow yourself to be

filled to capacity by me

and love me. 

Strip me of my doubts


Let your fingertips

imbed their signature

on my flesh

as they trace a path to my heart

that only you can follow.

Ravish me.

Top to bottom then back again

with pauses only in places

that necessitate special attention.




Naked to your love, baby, 

ravish me.

Nekisha CD Lewis

Wednesday, February 8, 2012




Perhaps a little of both.

But my mind can’t deny

what my heart is translating to it.

Mesmerized by just the thought of you

and me

becoming us


I’m falling.

But before I lose myself

caught up in the

essence of your being,

I hereby make

the conscious decision

to love you.

Nekisha CD Lewis

Friday, February 3, 2012


you stole the words
I love you
from the comfort of my lips.

I give them to you

Nekisha CD Lewis

Monday, January 30, 2012


“Your stature is like a palm tree, and your breasts are like its clusters. I say I will climb the palm tree and lay hold of its fruit. Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine, and the scent of your breath like apples” - Song of Solomon 7:7-8 

Two moulds of 

perfectly round

perfectly shaped 

mocha chocolate breasts.

Anxiously awaiting their sprout

from perfectly rounded

to perfectly cream filled.

Full on the love

that takes one plus one

and makes three.


in your eyes

is her filled to overflowing

with the abundance of your child.

Body transformed from

one plus one perfect

to a perfection that can

only be seen through the eyes

of the one who’s seed

has taken root within her.

Breasts laden.

Stomach enlarged.

What another may see as

defect in the making

You see as ultimate

and pure perfection.

For she is yours.

Your boulevard to


For her one 

plus your one

equals heart’s three.

Nekisha CD Lewis 30.1.2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

I Ache For You

Desire grips my body with a fierceness

that demands the attention of my every being.
Convulsing in a series of
wants, needs, aches, yearning
for that thing called you.
Not your body, you
But you, YOU.

My eyes desire to stare into yours
and send unspoken messages straight into the depth of your soul.
My fingers desire to trail over your flesh
and let my feelings for you be felt
in the easiness and tenderness of my touch.
My lips desire to press softly onto yours
and whisper sweet words of everything into you.
My body desires to be clothed in want
for nothing but you.
My heart desires to be injected
with the very fiber of you.

Desiring to love you with a passion
that defies comprehension,
that seeks more than the physical,
that reacts to a simple touch from you
as if you spoke the words of 
Songs of Solomon chapter 8 verse 6,
"Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death."

I ache for you.

I ache for the chance to
make love not only to your body
but to your soul.
To fill you to overflowing
with every filament of my being
that you have no desire for anything
but me.
I want you drunk
on the very thought of me.
from just the scent of me.
I want to cripple your desires
to only that of me.

I want to fulfill in you
your desires as well as your dreams.
Build a future with you
that embodies the best of WE.

I desire to love you.
Not your body, you
But you, YOU.

NCDL 15.1.12

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Letting Go

It was bound to happen;
It was merely a matter
of when
or who first. 

Letting go. 

Feather light touch of fingertips
Soft pressure of lips meeting lips
marks the final contact
of a connection which
was never meant to subsist.

He goes his way...
I go mine. 

Eyes telling a silent story
of an era we spent entangled
in each other's warmth
that meant more to me
than they should have.

Heart sighing at the
imminent  absence
of your presence
which  I allowed to become
my source of comfort
and my retreat of calm. 

Body instantaneously
rebuffing your departure;
Tortured by the knowledge
that it will no longer be
fulfilled by you,
touched by you,
held by you.

Forced to accept that
that which was never
meant to be
has dissolved
like a whisp of thin air.

Letting go. 

My mouth forms an
unspoken goodbye
as my body wills
itself to accept
the whens
the whys.

My heart's heavy
my mind's numb.
I did that which
I knew I shouldn't -
I fell in love with him
in a way that now
jeapodizes my sanity.

I have to let him go.

It was bound to happen;
It was merely a matter
of when
or who first. 

Nekisha CD Lewis

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sweet Caress

His breath
my neck
His words
light caress

His love
touches my ear
with an easiness
that embodies

his heart
his soul
his being
my heart
my soul
my being.

My love
that of his
and floats
to his ears
on butterfly wings.

My breath
his neck
Our words
sweet caress.

Nekisha CD Lewis


Feather light touch
of lips 
meeting lips.
A gentle caress
of the senses
one soul
to the depth 
of the other.
Gentle pressure
heightened pleasure.

Nekisha CD Lewis

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Heartstring

Your journey started in a race of 250 million
Yet you won.
The instant you burrowed your way into my ovum 
resulted in the creation of a unique cell that can never be duplicated
Never replicated.
You are your own carbon copy, your very own prototype.
3 weeks of being and you're a blastocyst of rapidly multiplying cells 
Working innumerable miracles approved by Him who sent you.
You're a part of a Master Plan that I cannot yet envision or even comprehend.
Its week 4 and the embryo is in the process of preparing for the creation of your organs and body parts
As tiny as a sesame seed yet holding the potential to become something so remarkably awesome.
By week 6 your presence is cemented as your heart beats twice as much as mine do, 
Tiny hands and feet are developing and your tongue and vocal cords are beginning to form.
How can I deny your being or see you as insignificant?
It takes but six weeks for you to transform from a single sperm cell into a beating heart.
You're alive within me and dependent upon me to survive.
In your 8th week your brains begin to form
You may not be able to comprehend what is happening 
but you're marvelous in your own right.
Wk 13 and your unique set of fingerprints are embedded on your tiny hands
Exclusively yours.
You declare your presence in week 14 by expanding past my pelvic bone as if to say,
"Hello World, see you very soon!"
That same week, thanks to brain impulses, you now have the ability to squint, frown and grimace as you see fit.
France, Germany and Italy says here after you have the right to live...
America says you do not!
Its been 4 months now and your circulatory system is now working as you pump 25 quarts of blood a day.
In month 5 your hearing has developed, you can now hear me singing you lullabies and familiarize yourself with my voice.
Your skeleton is turning from rubbery cartilage to hardened bone, hair sprouts from your scalp and your individual senses are developing. 
You are human. You matter to me.
Month six. 
America says this is my last month to decide if I want to keep you or not. 
After having you grow from a tiny sperm cell to a baby that can hear, move about, give facial expression, whose heart beats...
How can I even consider not bringing you to term at this stage? 
Seven months later and you, my baby, is putting on baby fat and I smile at the thought of it.
My back aches and my feet swells but its a labour of love I am committed to.
For you can now suck your thumb, hiccup, open your eyes and you sleep and wake at regular intervals.
I love you with a fierceness that defies comprehension.
Eight months in and I'm clumsy, short of breath, tired all the time and I can no longer see my toes when I look down,
All the while your lungs have fully developed, you are gaining weight rapidly and have turned in a head down position preparing for your grand entrance.
I can't wait to meet you, my little ball of sunshine.
Its been nine months, a long journey of ups and downs for me, a period of uncertainty for you.
But I love you beyond words and have prepared my heart and life for you.
To love, cherish and protect you I vow
Welcome to the World little one.
Welcome home, my love.

NCD Lewis
8th November 2011


They’re pregnant with hurt
By pain’s rebirth.

Showered with lies
Their love slowly dies.

Bodies tattooed with scars
Dying in a prison with people for bars.

Let loosed too many tears
Crippled by their own faults and fears.

Lost all faith
No heartbeat…too late.

Ghostly souls they are
Hatred outweighing love by far.

All light is gone
Feelings no longer form.

Faceless figures they’ve become
Mind, body and soul…all numb.

It’s real, the pain
For trying to heal they are slain.

NCD Lewis


She peers out at the World
through eyes unseeing,
Lost to the present as is
Trapped in the memory of what never was.

Tanned with a heavy layer of regret
She sits in her chair and looks out 
but sees nothing.

Her children sit on the porch around her feet

She hears them
Sees them 
Feels their presence.
But she wishes she didn't.

Caught up with how life should have been
Could have been
Had it not been for Him.

He who stole what was rightfully hers to give.

She sits in her chair and peers out at the World
through eyes unseeing,
Lost to the present as is
Trapped in the memory of what should have been.

No longer living
Barely existing.

Jolted back to the present
only by the echoing sound of her youngest
asking, "Mommy, what's for dinner?"